When you buy, these are the terms you agree to:
All of Kerry Andrew's self-published scores are protected by copyright. Kerry Andrew is the license holder.
With your purchase, you are buying a license to perform the work.
It is illegal to photocopy/distribute music in the UK without the correct license/permission. Read the government's policy here. There are similar policies globally.
You will be emailed one copy of a score as a PDF for printing out/use as a digital score. A score must be purchased for every performer involved (ie if you have 27 singers in your ensemble, you must buy 27 copies). These may then be used for performance any number of times.
You may reuse the scores with another ensemble if the first ensemble no longer possess them.
If there are new members in your existing ensemble, you only need to buy new score licenses for your new performers.
If purchasing a score by Kerry Andrew from another publisher (ie Oxford University Press), please see their own Terms.
These terms can be updated at any point and changes will come into force at any point.